
Memor Gifts

How it works

  • I will let you know where to send your items.
  • Send your items whenever you are ready.
  • When sending you items please could you add a note with your name, address, animal required and the embroidery details you would like. 
  • I recommend to send your items tracked or signed for. 
  • I will confirm when I receive your items. 
  • My turn around time may vary due to how busy I am.
  • During the processing period, I will keep you updated on the progress of your order.
  • If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.  
  • When your keepsake is ready I will contact you and send a picture.
  • Any unused items will be returned. 
  • I will confirm your address before sending.
  • I will confirm final payment amount to be paid and how it can be paid.
  • Before I send your keepsake final payment must be paid. 
  • Final payment can be made via my website: https://memorgifts.com/product-category/keepsakes/

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